Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jesus, the Image of God, by Jay Quine

April 30: George Washington becomes the first ...The Image of George Washington
Posted by Jay Quine
Colossians 1:15 "Image" means Characteristic
If you hold up a quarter you see a portrayal of the First President of the United States. But what if you wanted to make an engraving or an image of something invisible? How would you do that? But that is exactly what the Bible says about Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God. You look at a quarter, you would say, “Look, there’s George Washington.” If you look at Jesus, you should say, “Look, there’s God.” This is Dr. Jay Quine. Remember the word “image” when you think about Jesus. He is co-equal, and co-eternal with God the Father. In the mystery of the nature of God, Jesus does the impossible: Jesus is the full manifested image of all the nature and character of the invisible God.