Expiation—to pay the price or the penalty.
He paid the debt he did not owe; I owed a debt I could not pay. Ellis J. Crum coined those lyrics to describe the expiatory work of Christ. Expiation would be like paying the price of a fine for a parking ticked. What is the price? But Jesus paid not a financial penalty, but penalty rightly due sinners. “the wages of sin is death – and that is the penalty Jesus paid. The Bible uses the word “Expiation” to describe the payment. “But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy Dr. Jay Quine is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., and Ph.D.), the University of Idaho college of Law (J.D.), and Washington State University (B.S.).
Jay A. Quine has served as a pastor for 16 years in Texas, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Jay Quine has served as the Chair of the Master of Divinity Program, and Dean of the College of Biblical Studies at Philadelphia Biblical University. Later, Dr. Jay A. Quine served as a Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Published and honored on multiple levels and in many arenas, Dr. Jay Quine is considered to be a voice of legal authority on issues involving church and para-church Christian institutions.